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France drafts anti-waste law to tackle surplus goods


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FRANCE The French Government has announced that it intends to ban the destruction of unsold non-food products from 2022 as part of a move to a circular economy.Companies will have to repurpose,reuse or recycle all unsold goods or face a penalty.The law will cover cosmetics but certain product categories will be exempt for safety reasons.The move is part of a draft anti-waste law that is set to be put before the Cabinet in July this year.The plan is that the ban will take place in two tranches,given that some industries currently do not have recycling procedures in place.For products such as textiles and electrical and electronic equipment,the ban will come into force in 2022.Cosmetics will fall into the second phase,which will come into force in 2024.
机译:法国法国政府已宣布,它打算禁止从2022年禁止未售出的非食品,因为举行循环经济的一部分。萨利人将不得不重新使用,重用或回收所有未售出的货物或面临罚款。法律 将涵盖化妆品,但某些产品类别将豁免出于安全原因。此举是在今年7月份在内阁之前放置的抗废物法草案的一部分。该计划是禁令将在两个中举行 鉴于某些行业目前没有回收程序,据纺织品和电子设备等产品,禁令将在2022年生效.Cosmetics将陷入第二阶段,这将在2024年生效。 。



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