首页> 外文期刊>Organometallics >Synthesis of Ni(II) Complexes Supported by Tetradentate Mixed-Donor Bis(amido)/Phosphine/Phosphido Ligands by Phosphine Substituent Elimination

Synthesis of Ni(II) Complexes Supported by Tetradentate Mixed-Donor Bis(amido)/Phosphine/Phosphido Ligands by Phosphine Substituent Elimination


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A convenient nickel-templated phenyl elimination route is described for the synthesis of phosphide-containing multidentate ligands from triarylphosphine precursors. Treating Ni(COD)(2) with the neutral bis(amine)/bis(phosphine) ligand precursor H-2(4Ph)[PNNP] affords bis(amido)/bis(phosphine) complex 1. Treatment of 1 with 1 equiv of KH leads to elimination of a phenyl group from one of the phosphine fi-aTnents, generating bis(amido)/phosphine/phosphido complex (3Ph)[PNNP]Ni- (2). Alternatively, excess KH or "BuLi affords the bis(amido)/bis(phosphide) complex (2Ph)[PNNP]Ni2- (3 or 4, respectively) by elimination of two phenyl substituents. These reactions are high-yielding and provide a unique and straightforward route to chelating phosphido ligands that would otherwise be challenging to synthesize.
机译:描述了一种方便的镍模板化苯基消除途径,用于合成来自三芳基膦前体的含磷化物的多燕麦配体。 用中性双(胺)/双(膦)配体前体H-2(4PH)[PNNP]用中性双(胺)/双(磷酸)(4Ph)[PNNP]提供双(氨基)/双(膦)复合物1.用1当量处理1 KH导致消除来自其中一种磷化氢,产生双(酰胺)/膦/磷酸酯(3PH)[PNNP] Ni-(2)的苯基。 或者,通过消除两个苯基取代基,过量的KH或“Buli”提供双(酰胺)/双(磷化物)复合物(分别为2Ph)[PNNP] Ni2-(3或4)。这些反应是高产并提供a 用于螯合磷脂配体的独特和直接的途径,否则将挑战合成。



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