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DAQs Multiply, Diversify for New Jobs


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IT'S ALREADY COMMON knowledge that faster, cheaper, smaller and more powerful microprocessors can let almost any device do data acquisition (DAQ). What's less well-known is this flexibility and affordability lets developers and users scatter chips and DAQ into components and applications that seem to be multiplying exponentially in number and diversity. So, not only do suppliers need to keep up with DAQ's shifting definitions, but they must also try to keep pace with all the new places where DAQ functions can be applied. "We define a DAQ device as having three main points: 1) an interface to a real-world sensor; 2) a way to convert sensor information to digital format, process the information and store it; and 3) an interface to retrieve the data from the device," says Kurt Wadowick, I/O specialist at Beckhoff Automation (www.beckhoff.com). "Anything else the device boasts is just bells and whistles or specsmanship. Trends we're seeing in data acquisition technology include the need for very fast, microsecond-level data collection speeds, and DAQ devices that must be able to interface to hundreds of signal types, store vast amounts of data being generated by ultra-high-speed DAQ functions, and trend data collected to make sure we're gathering it correctly. DAQ components must also have small form factors, be low-cost, have simple-to-assemble parts, and have software that's simple to configure."
机译:众所周知,更快,更便宜,更小巧,功能更强大的微处理器可以使几乎所有设备进行数据采集(DAQ)。鲜为人知的是这种灵活性和可负担性使开发人员和用户可以将芯片和DAQ分散到组件和应用程序中,这些组件和应用程序的数量和多样性呈指数级增长。因此,供应商不仅需要跟上DAQ不断变化的定义,而且还必须努力跟上所有可以应用DAQ功能的新地方。 “我们将DAQ设备定义为具有以下三个主要方面:1)真实传感器的接口; 2)将传感器信息转换为数字格式,处理信息并将其存储的方法;以及3)检索传感器的接口。来自设备的数据”,Beckhoff Automation(www.beckhoff.com)的I / O专家Kurt Wadowick说。 “该设备所拥有的其他功能只是千篇一律或精湛的技术。我们在数据采集技术中看到的趋势包括对非常快的微秒级数据收集速度的需求,以及必须能够连接数百个信号的DAQ设备类型,存储由超高速DAQ函数生成的大量数据以及为确保我们正确收集而收集的趋势数据。DAQ组件还必须具有小尺寸,低成本,易于操作的特点-组装零件,并具有易于配置的软件。”



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