首页> 外文期刊>Nature reviews Cancer >History of Esophagogastric Junction Cancer Treatment and Current Surgical Management in Western Countries

History of Esophagogastric Junction Cancer Treatment and Current Surgical Management in Western Countries


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The incidence of esophagogastric junction (EGJ) cancer has been significantly increasing in Western countries. Appropriate planning for surgical therapy requires a reliable classification of EGJ cancers with respect to their exact location. Clinically, the most accepted classification of EGJ cancers is "adenocarcinoma of the EGJ" (AEG or "Siewert"), which divides tumor center localization into AEG type I (distal esophagus), AEG type II ("true junction"), and AEG type III (subcardial stomach). Treatment strategies in western countries routinely employ perioperative chemotherapy or neoadjuvant chemoradiation for cases of locally advanced cancers. The standard surgical treatment strategies are esophagectomy for AEG type I and gastrectomy for AEG type III cancers. For "true junctional cancers," i.e., AEG type II, whether the extension of resection in the oral or aboral direction represents the most effective surgical therapy remains debatable. This article reviews the history of surgical EGJ cancer treatment and current surgical strategies from a Western perspective.
机译:西方国家的食管胃部交界处(EGJ)癌症的发病率在显着增加。适当的外科治疗计划需要关于其确切位置的EGJ癌症的可靠分类。临床上,EGJ癌的最受欢迎分类是“EGJ的腺癌”(AEG或“Siewert”),其将肿瘤中心定位分成AEG型I(远端食道),AEG II型(“真实交界处”)和AEG III型(颞胃)。西方国家的治疗策略经常使用围手术期化疗或Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation,以便局部晚期癌症。标准外科治疗策略是AEG I型I的食管切除术,抗AEG III型癌症的胃切除术。对于“真正的结癌”,即AEG II型,在口腔或恋方向上的切除术是最有效的外科治疗仍然是可扩张性的。本文审查了西方观点的外科egj癌症治疗和当前手术策略的历史。



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