首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry: Chimie Therapeutique >Antimicrobial and KPC/AmpC inhibitory activity of functionalized benzosiloxaboroles

Antimicrobial and KPC/AmpC inhibitory activity of functionalized benzosiloxaboroles

机译:官能化苯并羰基洛洛洛洛辛的抗微生物和KPC / AMPC抑制活性

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A series of 22 benzosiloxaboroles, silicon analogues of strong antimicrobial agents - benzoxaboroles, have been synthesized and tested against beta-lactamases KPC- and pAmpC-producing strains of Gram-negative rods. Comprehensive structural-property relationship studies supported by molecular modelling as well as biological studies reveal that 6-B(OH)(2)-substituted derivative 27 strongly inhibits the activity of cephalosporinases (chromosomally encoded AmpC and plasmid encoded CMY-2) and KPC carbapenemases. It also shows strong ability to inhibit growth of the strains producing KPC-3 when combined with meropenem. In addition, halogen-substituted (mono-, di- or tetra-) benzosiloxaboroles demonstrate high antifungal activity (MIC 1.56-6.25 mg/L) against C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii and S. cerevisiae. The highest activity against pathogenic yeasts (C. albicans, C. krusei and C. parapsilosis - MICs 12.5 mg/L) and against Gram-positive cocci (S. aureus and E. faecalis- 6.25 mg/L and 25 mg/L respectively) was displayed by 6,7-dichloro-substituted benzosiloxaborole. The studied systems exhibit low cytotoxity toward human lung fibroblasts. (C) 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved,
机译:已经合成了一系列22苯并硅氧烷化合物,强抗微生物剂 - 苯并硼酰硼苯甲酸苯并毒剂,并针对β-内酰胺酶KPC-和PAMPC的革兰氏阴性棒的菌株测试。通过分子建模和生物学研究支持的综合结构性关系研究表明,6-B(OH)(2) - 取出的衍生物27强烈抑制头孢菌素酶的活性(染色体编码的AMPC和质粒CMY-2)和KPC Carbapenemase 。它还显示出强烈的能力,抑制与梅洛宁联合时产生KPC-3的菌株的生长。此外,卤素取代的(单,二或四)benzosiloxaboroles表现出高的抗真菌活性(MIC 1.56-6.25毫克/升)针对热带念珠菌,C.季也蒙和酿酒酵母。对致病酵母(白色念珠菌,克柔念珠菌和近平滑念珠菌 - 的MIC 12.5毫克/升)的最高活性和对革兰氏阳性球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌分别faecalis- 6.25 mg / L和25mg / L的)由6,7-二氯取代的苯并硅氧基硼酰氧基展示。研究的系统对人肺成纤维细胞表现出低细胞毒性。 (c)2019年Elsevier Masson SAS。版权所有,



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