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Primary human papillomavirus testing in organized cervical screening


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Purpose of Review: An update on the use of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as the primary screening test for advancing the effectiveness of organized cervical screening programs. Recent Findings: Because HPV-based cervical screening has a protective effect of longer duration than cervical cytology, screening intervals can be lengthened for HPV-negative women. Under most scenarios of HPV test price and HPV prevalence, primary HPV screening is more cost-effective than primary screening with cytology. If cytology is used to triage HPV-positive women, colposcopy referral rates are not increased. However, there are logistical challenges to implement HPV-based screening, such as the need to ensure that HPV tests are used at increased screening intervals and in the correct age groups, the need to cope with the variety of different HPV tests, the limited international standardization and quality assurance, and the need to optimize and evaluate the method switch in the real-life setting. Summary: The necessary infrastructure to exploit the potential of HPV-based screening for improved cost-efficiency exists within organized, invitational screening programs. Piloting of HPV screening can be implemented by such programs, preferably as randomized healthcare policies. ? 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
机译:审查目的:使用人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)测试作为主要筛查测试的最新进展,以提高有组织的宫颈癌筛查计划的有效性。最新发现:由于基于HPV的宫颈癌筛查具有比宫颈细胞学检查更长的保护期,因此对于HPV阴性的女性可以延长筛查间隔。在大多数HPV检测价格和HPV流行情况下,初次HPV筛查比具有细胞学的初次筛查更具成本效益。如果将细胞学用于对HPV阳性女性进行分类,则阴道镜转诊率不会增加。但是,实施基于HPV的筛查存在着后勤方面的挑战,例如需要确保在增加的筛查间隔和正确的年龄组中使用HPV检测,需要应对各种不同的HPV检测,标准化和质量保证,以及在实际环境中优化和评估方法转换的需求。简介:在有组织的邀请性筛查计划中,存在必要的基础设施,可利用基于HPV的筛查潜力来提高成本效益。 HPV筛查的试点可通过此类程序(最好是随机医疗政策)实施。 ? 2013威科集团健康|利平科特·威廉姆斯和威尔金斯。



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