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Beyond Critique: Rethinking Roles for the Anthropology of Mental Health


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The current supremacy of the 'bio-bio-bio' model within the discipline of psychiatry has progressively marginalized social science approaches to mental health. This situation begs the question, what role is there for the anthropology of mental health? In this essay, I contend that there are three essential roles for the anthropology of mental health in an era of biological psychiatry. These roles are to (i) provide a meaningful critique of practices, beliefs, and movements within current psychiatry; (ii) illuminate the socio-cultural, clinical, and familial context of suffering and healing regarding emotional distress/mental illness; and (iii) act as a catalyst for positive change regarding healing, services and provisions for people with emotional distress/mental illness. My argument is unified by my contention that a credible anthropology of mental health intending to make a societal contribution should offer no opposition without proposition. In other words, any critique must be counter-balanced by the detailing of solutions and proposals for change. This will ensure that the anthropology of mental health continues to contribute critical knowledge to the understanding of mental suffering, distress, and healing. Such social and cultural approaches are becoming especially important given the widespread disenchantment with an increasingly dominant biological psychiatry.
机译:精神病学领域目前“生物-生物-生物”模型的至高无上地位已使社会科学方法在心理健康方面逐渐边缘化。这种情况引出了一个问题,心理人类学对人类健康有何作用?在本文中,我认为,在生物精神病学时代,心理健康人类学具有三个基本作用。这些角色是为了(i)对当前精神病学中的实践,信念和运动提出有意义的批评; (ii)阐明有关情绪困扰/精神疾病的痛苦和康复的社会文化,临床和家族背景; (iii)促进对患有精神困扰/精神疾病的人的治疗,服务和提供方面的积极改变。我的论点由我的论点统一,我的论点是,打算做出社会贡献的可信的精神人类学不应提出任何主张。换句话说,任何批评都必须通过详细的解决方案和变更建议来抵消。这将确保心理健康人类学继续为理解心理苦难,痛苦和康复提供重要知识。鉴于对越来越普遍的生物学精神病学的普遍失望,这种社会和文化方法变得尤为重要。



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