首页> 外文期刊>Culture, medicine and psychiatry >Trauma, Workfare and the Social Contingency of Precarity and Its Sufferings: The Story of Marius, A Street-Youth

Trauma, Workfare and the Social Contingency of Precarity and Its Sufferings: The Story of Marius, A Street-Youth


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Based on ethnographic fieldwork in London, Ontario, Canada, with homeless and street-involved youth in a youth drop-in shelter that I call "At Home", this paper is an ethnographically grounded narrative analysis of interview content and participant observation with a centre focus on my key informant, a youth from Eastern Europe whom I call "Marius". Like many other street youth, Marius lives a life marked by precarity. His daily life is marked by traumatic memories of abandonment and abuse, which has lead to an inability to work; and structural violence facilitated by Ontario's workfare program called Ontario Works, especially its mandate that all "participants" (i.e. those in receipt of social assistance, such as Marius) seek employment or face termination of their social assistance check. For Marius, the recounting of traumatic memories at At Home opened up a shared rhetorical space from which he could narratively align himself vis-A -vis other street youth as a victim of precarity and trauma and therefore absolve himself of the onus to find employment. Regardless of his narrative positioning, he is constantly terminated from Ontario Works for not submitting proof of citizenship and proof of job-seeking activities. In conclusion, the only way for Marius to find any form of solace from his past and the constraints of OW is through isolation: a cultural stance that serves as a coping mechanism, and allows Marius to muddle through each day, all the while holding precarity and its pursuant anxiety and depression at bay.
机译:基于加拿大安大略省伦敦市的人种学田野调查,在一个我称为“在家”的青年人收容所中,无家可归和流浪街头的年轻人,本文是根据人种学的叙事分析,对访谈内容和参与者对中心的观察进行了分析专注于我的关键线人,一个来自东欧的年轻人,我称之为“ Marius”。像许多其他街头青年一样,马吕斯也过着pre不安的生活。他的日常生活以遗忘和虐待的创伤性记忆为特征,导致无法工作;以及由安大略省称为“安大略省工作”的工作福利计划助长的结构性暴力,特别是其任务规定是,所有“参与者”(即那些接受社会救助的人,例如马吕斯)都寻求就业或面临社会救助支票的终止。对于马里乌斯来说,在家里对创伤记忆的叙述开辟了一个共享的修辞空间,从中他可以叙述自己与其他街头青年一样的危险性和创伤受害者,从而使自己免于找工作的责任。无论他的叙事定位如何,他都会因未提交公民身份证明和求职活动证明而被安大略省工程处处决。总之,马里乌斯从自己的过去和OW的束缚中寻求任何形式的慰藉的唯一方法是通过孤立:一种文化姿态,可以作为一种应对机制,并让马里乌斯每天都在混乱中度过,同时保持pre可危以及随之而来的焦虑和抑郁情绪。



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