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The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins


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Reviews of Anna Tsing's The Mushroom at the End of the World are beginning to appear in scholarly journals and magazines. She is a very well respected anthropologist and so a reviewer would have to be somewhat brash to outright condemn the work. But reviewers do tend to take a stab at very popular authors like Tsing. Of course a review must weigh good and bad for our benefit. And there are ideological and methodological predilections to consider. That the proponents of a political economy approach toneoliberalism would find Tsing's evaluation of contemporary capitalism soft is of no surprise, she being more of a postmodernist herself, if you will excuse the pigeon holes. I do not know exactly what kind of anthropologist I am, but my criticisms do not stem from conventional political economy. And I do not even come close to condemning the work. In essence, while seemingly unfinished or uncritical to some, I find the work compelling and inspirational. I refer to a few recent reviews as a foil for aspecifically anthropological critique and also point out how CAFE readers in particular might engage with it.



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