首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurochemistry: Offical Journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry >Regional registration of [6-14C]glucose metabolism during brain activation of alpha-syntrophin knockout mice

Regional registration of [6-14C]glucose metabolism during brain activation of alpha-syntrophin knockout mice


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a-Syntrophin is a component of the dystrophin scaffold-protein complex that serves as an adaptor for recruitment of key proteins to the cytoplasmic side of plasma membranes. a-Syntrophin knockout (KO) causes loss of the polarized localization of aquaporin4 (AQP4) at astrocytic endfeet and interferes with water and K+ homeostasis. During brain activation, release of ions and metabolites from endfeet is anticipated to increase perivascular fluid osmolarity, AQP4-mediated osmotic water flow from endfeet, and metabolite washout from brain. This study tests the hypothesis that reduced levels of endfoot AQP4 increase retention of [14C] metabolites during sensory stimulation. Conscious KO and wild-type mice were pulse-labeled with [6-14C] glucose during unilateral acoustic stimulation or bilateral acoustic plus whisker stimulation, and label retention was assayed by computer-assisted brain imaging or analysis of [14C]metabolites in extracts, respectively. High-resolution autoradiographic assays detected a 17% side-to-side difference (p < 0.05) in inferior colliculus of KO mice, not wild-type mice. However, there were no labeling differences between KO and wild-type mice for five major HPLC fractions from four dissected regions, presumably because of insufficient anatomical resolution. The results suggest a role for AQP4-mediated water flow in support of washout of metabolites, and underscore the need for greater understanding of astrocytic water and metabolite fluxes.
机译:α-Syntrophin是肌营​​养不良蛋白支架蛋白复合物的一个组成部分,可作为衔接子将关键蛋白募集到质膜的细胞质侧。 α-Syntrophin基因敲除(KO)导致星形胶质细胞末端水通道蛋白4(AQP4)的极化定位丧失,并干扰水和K +稳态。在大脑激活过程中,预计从脚臭释放离子和代谢产物会增加血管周液的渗透压,从脚臭渗入AQP4介导的渗透水,并从大脑清除代谢产物。这项研究检验了以下假设,即在感觉刺激过程中,降低脚掌AQP4的水平会增加[14C]代谢物的保留。在单侧听觉刺激或双侧听觉加晶须刺激过程中,对有意识的KO和野生型小鼠进行[6-14C]葡萄糖脉冲标记,并通过计算机辅助脑成像或提取物中[14C]代谢物的分析来分析标记物的保留,分别。高分辨率放射自显影分析检测到KO小鼠(而非野生型小鼠)下丘的左右差异为17%(p <0.05)。但是,KO和野生型小鼠之间在四个解剖区域中的五个主要HPLC组分之间没有标记差异,这可能是由于解剖分辨率不足所致。结果表明,AQP4介导的水流在支持代谢产物冲刷方面发挥了作用,并强调了对星形细胞水和代谢产物通量的更深入了解的需求。



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