
Investigation of the relationships between acoustic attenuation and ionic conduction of metaphosphate glasses


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This paper deals with phosphate-based glasses and summarizes the results obtained from acoustic attenuation and ionic conduction investigations. Several relaxation processes have been found to be connected with different activation energies, for which Double Power Law and Gaussian functions have been used for their modelling. The activation energy of the acoustic relaxations in the metaphosphate glasses increases with the increasing cationic potential of the modifier elements, following a direct relationship between the cationic potential of the modifier in the glasses and their influence on the short and medium range structural arrangements of the PO4 tetrahedra. On the other hand, the variation of the activation energy for the ionic conduction shows a similar trend than those observed in the acoustic attenuation processes, which indicates that both phenomena are closely influenced by the short and medium range structure of the glasses, particularly through the strength of the modifier-oxygen bonds and the glass network reticulation. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文涉及磷酸盐基玻璃,并总结了从声衰减和离子传导研究获得的结果。已经发现几种弛豫过程与不同的活化能有关,为此,使用了双幂定律和高斯函数进行建模。继磷酸盐改性剂在玻璃中的阳离子势与其对PO4中短程结构排列的影响之间的直接关系之后,偏磷酸盐玻璃中的声弛豫的活化能随改性剂元素阳离子势的增加而增加。四面体。另一方面,离子传导活化能的变化趋势与在声衰减过程中观察到的趋势相似,这表明这两种现象都受到眼镜的中短程结构的密切影响,特别是通过玻璃改性剂-氧键的强度和玻璃网络的网状结构。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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