首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >The Molecular Basis of Bacterial-Insect Symbiosis

The Molecular Basis of Bacterial-Insect Symbiosis


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Insects provide experimentally tractable and cost-effective model systems to investigate the molecular basis of animal bacterial interactions. Recent research is revealing the central role of the insect innate immune system, especially anti-microbial peptides and reactive oxygen species, in regulating the abundance and composition of the microbiota in various insects, including Drosophila and the mosquitoes Aedes and Anopheles. Interactions between the immune system and microbiota are, however, bidirectional with evidence that members of the resident microbiota can promote immune function, conferring resistance to pathogens and parasites by both activation of immune effectors and production of toxins. Antagonistic and mutualistic interactions among bacteria have also been implicated as determinants of the microbiota composition, including exclusion of pathogens, but the molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Some bacteria are crucial for insect nutrition, through provisioning of specific nutrients (e.g., B vitamins, essential amino acids) and modulation of the insect nutritional sensing and signaling pathways (e.g., insulin signaling) that regulate nutrient allocation, especially to lipid and other energy reserves. A key challenge for future research is to identify the molecular interaction between specific bacterial effectors and animal receptors, as well as to determine how these interactions translate into microbiota-dependent signaling, metabolism, and immune function in the host. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:昆虫提供了实验上容易处理且具有成本效益的模型系统,以研究动物细菌相互作用的分子基础。最近的研究表明,昆虫固有的免疫系统,特别是抗微生物肽和活性氧物种,在调节包括果蝇以及蚊子伊蚊和按蚊在内的各种昆虫的微生物群的丰度和组成方面起着核心作用。然而,免疫系统与微生物群之间的相互作用是双向的,有证据表明驻留微生物群的成员可以促进免疫功能,通过激活免疫效应子和产生毒素而赋予对病原体和寄生虫的抗性。细菌之间的拮抗和相互影响也被认为是微生物群组成的决定因素,包括病原体的排除,但是分子机制尚不清楚。通过提供特定营养素(例如B族维生素,必需氨基酸)和调节昆虫营养感测和信号传导途径(例如胰岛素信号传导),某些细菌对于昆虫营养至关重要,该途径调节营养素的分配,尤其是脂质和其他能量的分配储备。未来研究的关键挑战是确定特定细菌效应子与动物受体之间的分子相互作用,以及确定这些相互作用如何转化为宿主中微生物群依赖性信号传导,代谢和免疫功能。 (C)2014由Elsevier Ltd.出版



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