首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Pronounced Inhibition Shift from HIV Reverse Transcriptase to Herpetic DNA Polymerases by Increasing the Flexibility of alpha-Carboxy Nucleoside Phosphonates

Pronounced Inhibition Shift from HIV Reverse Transcriptase to Herpetic DNA Polymerases by Increasing the Flexibility of alpha-Carboxy Nucleoside Phosphonates


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Alpha-carboxynudeoside phosphonates (alpha-CNPs) are novel viral DNA polymerase inhibitors that do not need metabolic conversion for enzyme inhibition. The prototype contains a cydopentyl linker between nucleobase and alpha-carboxyphosphonate and preferentially (50- to 100-fold) inhibits HIV-1 RT compared with herpetic DNA polymerases. A synthesis methodology involving three steps has been developed for the synthesis of a series of novel alpha-CNPs, including a Rh(II)-catalyzed O-H insertion that connects the carboxyphosphonate group to a linker moiety and an attachment of a nudeobase to the other end of the linker by a Mitsunobu reaction followed by final deprotection. Replacing the cydopentyl moiety in the prototype alpha-CNPs by a more flexible entity results in a selectivity shift of similar to 100-fold in favor of the herpetic DNA polymerases when compared to selectivity for HIV-1 RT. The nature of the kinetic interaction of the acyclic alpha-CNPs against the herpetic DNA polymerases differs from the nature of the nudeobase-specific kinetic interaction of the cyclopentyl alpha-CNPs against HIV RT.
机译:α-羧基核苷磷酸酯(α-CNP)是新型的病毒DNA聚合酶抑制剂,不需要新的转化来抑制酶。该原型在核碱基和α-羧基膦酸酯之间包含一个环戊基连接子,与疱疹性DNA聚合酶相比,其优先(50至100倍)抑制HIV-1 RT。已开发出一种涉及三个步骤的合成方法,用于合成一系列新型的α-CNP,包括Rh(II)催化的OH插入,该插入将羧基膦酸酯基团连接至接头部分,并将裸碱基连接至另一端通过Mitsunobu反应,然后最终脱保护,对连接基进行修饰。与HIV-1 RT的选择性相比,通过更灵活的实体替换原型α-CNP中的cydopentyl部分,其选择性变化接近100倍,有利于疱疹DNA聚合酶。无环α-CNP对疱疹DNA聚合酶的动力学相互作用的性质不同于环戊基α-CNP对HIV RT的裸碱基特异性动力学相互作用的性质。



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