首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Rational construction of gel-based supramolecular logic gates by using a functional gelator with multiple-stimuli responsive properties

Rational construction of gel-based supramolecular logic gates by using a functional gelator with multiple-stimuli responsive properties


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A gelator containing a sorbitol moiety and a naphthalene-based salicylideneaniline group exhibits macroscopic gel-sol behavior in response to four complementary input stimuli:temperature, UV light, OH~-, and Cu~(2+). On the basis of its multiple-stimuli responsive properties, we constructed a rational gelbased supramolecular logic gate that performed OR and INH types of reversible stimulus responsive gel-sol transition in the presence of various combinations of the four stimuli when the gel state was defined as an output. Moreover, a combination two-output logic gate was obtained, owing to the existence of the naked eye as an additional output. Hence, gelator 1 could construct not only a basic logic gate, but also a two-input-two-output logic gate because of its response to multiple chemical stimuli and multiple output signals, in which one input could erase the effect of another input.



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