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Activities and Programs That Improve Children's Executive Functions


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Executive functions (EFs; e.g., reasoning, working memory, and self-control) can be improved. Good news indeed, since EFs are critical for school and job success and for mental and physical health. Various activities appear to improve children's EFs. The best evidence exists for computer-based training, traditional martial arts, and two school curricula. Weaker evidence, though strong enough to pass peer review, exists for aerobics, yoga, mindfulness, and other school curricula. Here I address what can be learned from the research thus far, including that EFs need to be progressively challenged as children improve and that repeated practice is key. Children devote time and effort to activities they love; therefore, EF interventions might use children's motivation to advantage. Focusing narrowly on EFs or aerobic activity alone appears not to be as efficacious in improving EFs as also addressing children's emotional, social, and character development (as do martial arts, yoga, and curricula shown to improve EFs). Children with poorer EFs benefit more from training; hence, training might provide them an opportunity to "catch up" with their peers and not be left behind. Remaining questions include how long benefits of EF training last and who benefits most from which activities.
机译:执行功能(EF;例如,推理,工作记忆和自我控制)可以得到改善。确实是个好消息,因为EF对于学校和工作的成功以及身心健康至关重要。各种活动似乎可以改善儿童的EF。最好的证据是基于计算机的培训,传统武术和两个学校课程。健美操,瑜伽,正念和其他学校课程中存在的证据较弱,尽管足以通过同行评审。在这里,我要讲到迄今为止可以从研究中学到的知识,包括随着孩子的成长,EF需要逐渐受到挑战,而反复练习是关键。孩子们将时间和精力投入到自己喜欢的活动中;因此,EF干预可能会利用儿童的动机来取得优势。仅仅专注于EF或有氧运动似乎在改善EF方面不如在解决儿童的情感,社交和性格发展方面那么有效(武术,瑜伽和课程证明可以改善EF)。 EF较差的孩子可以从培训中受益更多;因此,培训可能会为他们提供与同行“追赶”的机会,而不会被甩在后面。剩下的问题包括EF培训将持续多长时间,谁从哪些活动中受益最多。



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