首页> 外文期刊>Journal of chromatography, A: Including electrophoresis and other separation methods >Capillary electrophoresis in classical and carrier ampholytes-based background electrolytes applied to separation and characterization of gonadotropin-releasing hormones

Capillary electrophoresis in classical and carrier ampholytes-based background electrolytes applied to separation and characterization of gonadotropin-releasing hormones


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Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in classical buffer-based background electrolytes (BGEs) and carrier ampholytes-based capillary electrophoresis (CABCE) using narrow pH cuts of carrier ampholytes (CA) as constituents of quasi-isoelectric BGEs have been applied to separation and characterization of synthetic human and salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH) and their derivatives and fragments. The selectivity, separation efficiency, resolution and speed of CZE and CABCE analyses have been compared within a wide pH range of the BGEs (3.50-9.75) using two mixtures of structurally related GnRH peptides as model analytes. A baseline separation of mixture 1 (human GnRH and its three fragments) was achieved in CA-based BGEs at pH 3.5 and in both classical and CA-based BGEs within the pH range 7.00-9.75. Full separation of mixture 2 (salmon GnRH, its two fragments and human GnRH fragment) was obtained in both types of BGEs at acidic pH values 3.5 and 4.00 and at neutral pH 7.00. In addition to the separation of related GnRHs, their effective electrophoretic mobilities were determined and from the dependences of mobilities on pH, the isoelectric points (p. I) of analyzed peptides were estimated. The p. I values obtained by CABCE were in a good agreement with those determined by CZE in classical BGEs but in some cases rather different from those predicted by theoretical calculations.
机译:经典的基于缓冲液的背景电解质(BGE)和基于载流子两性电解质的毛细管电泳(CABCE)中的毛细管区带电泳(CZE),将载流子两性电解质(CA)的pH值降低为准等电BGEs的成分已用于分离和表征人工合成的人和鲑鱼促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)及其衍生物和片段。使用两种结构相关的GnRH肽混合物作为模型分析物,已在BGE的宽pH范围(3.50-9.75)中比较了CZE和CABCE分析的选择性,分离效率,分离度和速度。在pH值为3.5的基于CA的BGE和pH范围为7.00-9.75的经典BCA和基于CA的BGE中,实现了混合物1(人GnRH及其三个片段)的基线分离。在酸性pH值为3.5和4.00以及中性pH为7.00的两种类型的BGE中,均可完全分离混合物2(鲑鱼GnRH,其两个片段和人GnRH片段)。除相关GnRH的分离外,还测定了它们的有效电泳迁移率,并根据迁移率对pH的依赖性估算了所分析肽的等电点(p。I)。 p。 CABCE获得的I值与经典BGE中CZE确定的I值非常吻合,但在某些情况下与理论计算所预测的I值存在很大差异。



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