首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cell Science >Increased retinoic acid levels through ablation of Cyp26b1 determine the processes of embryonic skin barrier formation and peridermal development

Increased retinoic acid levels through ablation of Cyp26b1 determine the processes of embryonic skin barrier formation and peridermal development


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The process by which the periderm transitions to stratified epidermis with the establishment of the skin barrier is unknown. Understanding the cellular and molecular processes involved is crucial for the treatment of human pathologies, where abnormal skin development and barrier dysfunction are associated with hypothermia and perinatal dehydration. For the first time, we demonstrate that retinoic acid (RA) levels are important for periderm desquamation, embryonic skin differentiation and barrier formation. Although excess exogenous RA has been known to have teratogenic effects, little is known about the consequences of elevated endogenous retinoids in skin during embryogenesis. Absence of cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp26b1), a retinoic-aciddegrading enzyme, results in aberrant epidermal differentiation and filaggrin expression, defective cornified envelopes and skin barrier formation, in conjunction with peridermal retention. We show that these alterations are RA dependent because administration of exogenous RA in vivo and to organotypic skin cultures phenocopy Cyp26b1 -/- skin abnormalities. Furthermore, utilizing the Flaky tail (Ft/Ft) mice, a mouse model for human ichthyosis, characterized by mutations in the filaggrin gene, we establish that proper differentiation and barrier formation is a prerequisite for periderm sloughing. These results are important in understanding pathologies associated with abnormal embryonic skin development and barrier dysfunction.
机译:随着皮肤屏障的建立,皮脂过渡到分层表皮的过程尚不清楚。了解涉及的细胞和分子过程对于治疗人类病理至关重要,在人类病理中,皮肤异常发育和屏障功能障碍与体温过低和围产期脱水有关。首次,我们证明了维甲酸(RA)的水平对于皮脂脱屑,胚胎皮肤分化和屏障形成很重要。尽管已知过量的外源性RA具有致畸作用,但对于胚胎发生期间皮肤中内源性类维生素A升高的后果知之甚少。缺乏视黄酸降解酶的细胞色素P450家族26家族b家族b多肽1(Cyp26b1)会导致表皮异常分化和丝聚蛋白表达,有缺陷的角质化包膜和皮肤屏障形成,并伴有表皮滞留。我们显示这些变化是RA依赖性的,因为在体内和对器官型皮肤培养物表型Cyp26b1-/-皮肤异常的施用外源性RA。此外,利用鳞状尾巴(Ft / Ft)小鼠,一种以鱼鳞蛋白基因突变为特征的人鱼鳞病模型,我们确定适当的分化和屏障形成是皮层脱落的前提。这些结果对于理解与异常胚胎皮肤发育和屏障功能障碍有关的病理非常重要。



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