首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Melt Rheology of Aliphatic Hyperbranched Polyesters

Melt Rheology of Aliphatic Hyperbranched Polyesters


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Rheological behavior in melt of aliphatic hyperbranched polyesters (AHBP), synthesized using pseudo-one-step and one-step procedure, was investigated in this work. Three commercially available AHBP were also examined. Because of the presence of relatively strong hydrogen bonds between numerous end hydroxyl groups, AHBP of lower generation number, as well as the sample of tenth pseudo generation, show non-Newtonian behavior in the entire investigated frequency and temperature region. However, for other examined AHBP, the slope of the frequency dependence of complex viscosity(η~*=f(ω))becomes smaller with the temperature increase. Therefore, samples of fourth, fifth, and sixth pseudo generations show Newtonian behavior at temperatures higher than 70℃Value of glass transition temperature, melt flow activation energy, fractional free volume, and thermal expansion coefficient were determined for the investigated AHBP. The influence of the type of end groups on rheological properties of AHBP was also examined.
机译:在这项工作中,研究了使用伪一步法和一步法合成的脂族高支化聚酯(AHBP)在熔体中的流变行为。还检查了三种市售的AHBP。由于大量末端羟基之间存在相对较强的氢键,因此,较低代数的AHBP以及第十代假代的样品在整个研究的频率和温度范围内均表现出非牛顿性。然而,对于其他检查的AHBP,复数粘度(η〜* = f(ω))的频率依赖性的斜率随温度升高而变小。因此,第四,第五和第六假代的样品在高于70℃的温度下表现出牛顿特性。确定了所研究的AHBP的玻璃化转变温度,熔体流动活化能,自由体积分数和热膨胀系数。还检查了端基类型对AHBP流变性质的影响。



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