首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Mechanical properties of polyurethane film exposed to solutions of nonoxynol-9 surfactant and poly(ethylene glycol)

Mechanical properties of polyurethane film exposed to solutions of nonoxynol-9 surfactant and poly(ethylene glycol)


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Mechanical properties of two polyether urethane films (Estane and Tecoflex) were studied after exposure to solutions of nonoxynol 9 (N9) surfactant and poly(ethylene glycol) 400 (PEG) for various times. Large amounts of N9 were absorbed from N9/PEG solutions, resulting in soft-segment plasticization and lower mechanical properties. As the N9 concentration increased, Estane absorbed more liquid and its mechanical properties decreased more compared to Tecoflex, although the mechanical properties of Estane were higher than Tecoflex at low concentrations of N9. Hard-segment domain disruption is probably not occurring because the relationship between the elastic modulus and polymer volume fraction followed Flory's theory for swollen elastic rubber networks and the liquids do not fully dissolve the polymers. The diffusion behavior of N9 and PEG was observed to follow Fickian behavior. Most of the absorption and decrease in mechanical properties occurred within the first 20 h after soaking, implying that additional loss in strength over longer times would be minimal. Mechanical property anisotropy suggests that condoms should be cut from Estane film in an orientation that optimizes the property-orientation relationship for specific end uses. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 91: 1086-1096, 2004. [References: 71]
机译:在暴露于壬氧酚9(N9)表面活性剂和聚乙二醇(PEG)400(PEG)溶液中不同时间后,研究了两种聚醚氨酯薄膜(Estane和Tecoflex)的机械性能。 N9 / PEG溶液吸收了大量N9,导致软段塑化和较低的机械性能。随着N9浓度的增加,尽管在低浓度的N9下Estane的机械性能高于Tecoflex,但与Tecoflex相比,Estane吸收的液体更多,并且其机械性能下降的幅度更大。硬段域破坏可能不会发生,因为弹性模量与聚合物体积分数之间的关系遵循了弗洛里关于溶胀的弹性橡胶网络的理论,并且液体不能完全溶解聚合物。观察到N9和PEG的扩散行为遵循Fickian行为。大部分吸收和机械性能下降发生在浸泡后的最初20小时内,这意味着在更长的时间内强度的额外损失将降至最低。机械性能各向异性表明,应从Estane薄膜上切下避孕套,其取向应能优化特定最终用途的特性-取向关系。 (C)2003 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 91:1086-1096,2004。[参考:71]



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