首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Resin Glycosides from the Yellow-Skinned Variety of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)

Resin Glycosides from the Yellow-Skinned Variety of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)


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Native to tropical America, Ipomoea batatas has been cultivated for over 5000 years in Mexico. The yellow-skinned tuber crop variety, with an orange flesh, has a higher nutritional value than potato. Raw sweet potato can cause a purge due to its resin glycoside content. Purification of the chloroform-soluble resin glycosides from the roots of this variety was accomplished by preparative-scale HPLC, which allowed for the collection of six oligosaccharides, batatin VII (I) and batatinosides VII—IX (2-4), all of novel structure, together with the known resin glycosides pescaprein I and batatinoside IV. High-field NMR spectroscopy and FAB mass spectrometry were used to characterize each structure, identifying operculinic acid A for compounds 2 and 4, and simonic acid B for 3, as their pentasaccharide glycosidic cores. Batatin VII (I) represents a dimer of the know batatinoside IV, consisting of two units of simonic acid B.
机译:番薯番薯原产于热带美洲,在墨西哥栽培已有5000多年的历史。黄皮块茎作物品种具有橙色的肉,比马铃薯具有更高的营养价值。未加工的甘薯由于其树脂糖苷含量可能会引起吹扫。通过制备规模的HPLC从该品种的根中纯化可溶于氯仿的树脂糖苷,该方法可收集六种寡糖,即batatin VII(I)和batatinosides VII-IX(2-4),所有这些都是新颖的结构,以及已知的树脂糖苷pescaprein I和Batatinoside IV。使用高场NMR光谱学和FAB质谱法表征每个结构,将化合物2和4的草酸A鉴定为五糖糖苷核心,对于化合物3鉴定为simonic酸B。 Batatin VII(I)代表已知的Batatinoside IV的二聚体,由两个单元的亚磺酸B组成。



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