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Flavor of Cold-Hardy Grapes: Impact of Berry Maturity and Environmental Conditions


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Since the arrival on the market of high-quality cold-hardy grape varieties, northern winemaking has been developing tremendously in countries traditionally unsuited for grape and wine production. Cold-hardy grapes are mainly interspecific hybrids of Vitis vinifera with Vitis labrusca and Vitis riparia, making their chemical composition distinct from that of V. vinifera varieties traditionally used for winemaking and therefore limiting the use of current knowledge about V. vinifera varieties in the assessment of grape maturity. Consequently, to evaluate the flavor development of cold-hardy grapes in the province of Quebec, Canada, the ripening of Frontenac and Marquette berries in two vineyards located in the southwest (SW) and northeast (NE) areas of the province, starting at the beginning of veraison, was studied. Quality attributes, phenolic compounds, and aroma profiles showed significant changes during maturation. Although full maturity was reached for both Frontenac and Marquette in the SW vineyard (1380 accumulated growing degree days, based on 10 °C), the accumulation of 1035 growing degree days was not sufficient to fully ripen Frontenac and Marquette in the NE vineyard. Principal component analysis showed different ripening patterns for the two studied locations. The longer veraison in the SW vineyard resulted in higher quality attributes and higher flavor development for both Frontenac and Marquette. Under the colder conditions in the NE vineyard, metabolite accumulation was driven primarily by berry growth, and flavor development was limited. Besides growing degree days and technological parameters (total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity), which provide significant guidelines for maturity assessment in cold climate, phenolic maturity may be followed by the accumulation of hydroxycinnamic esters and flavonoids, although the impact of these compound classes on quality remains to be determined in cold-climate wines. In both Frontenac and Marquette, aromatic maturity was best assessed using the ratio of cis-3-hexenol to trans-2-hexenal, which showed a constant decrease until maturity. Interestingly, a shift in C6 compound profile, illustrated by the progression of the sum of C6 compounds respectively produced from linoleic (C18:2; hexanal and 1-hexanol) and a-linolenic (C18:3; trans-2-hexenol and cis-3-hexenol) acids occurred during ripening, with a-linolenic acid (C18:3) degradation products decreasing in both varieties as maturation approached. At harvest, aroma profiles of both Frontenac and Marquette were dominated by C6 compounds (hexanal, trans-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, cis-3-hexenol, and hexanoic acid), acetic acid, β-damascenone, and 2-phenylethanol, with Marquette additionally showing significant levels of monoterpenes (linalool, geraniol, and α-citral) and l-octen-3-ol.
机译:自从优质耐寒葡萄品种进入市场以来,北方酿酒业在传统上不适合葡萄和葡萄酒生产的国家中发展迅猛。耐寒葡萄主要是葡萄与葡萄,种葡萄的种间杂交,使其化学成分不同于传统用于酿酒的葡萄品种,因此限制了对葡萄品种当前知识的评估。葡萄成熟度。因此,为了评估加拿大魁北克省耐寒葡萄的风味发展,从该省西南部(SW)和东北部(NE)的两个葡萄园中Frontenac和Marquette浆果的成熟度初学者,进行了研究。质量属性,酚类化合物和香气特征在成熟过程中显示出显着变化。尽管西南部葡萄园的Frontenac和Marquette都达到了完全成熟(以10°C为基础,累积了1380天的生长度日),但累积1035个生长度日不足以使NE葡萄园中的Frontenac和Marquette完全成熟。主成分分析显示两个研究地点的成熟模式不同。 SW葡萄园中的调味料更长,因此Frontenac和Marquette的品质更高,风味也更高。在东北葡萄园的寒冷条件下,代谢产物的积累主要由浆果生长驱动,并且风味的发展受到限制。除了生长天数和技术参数(总可溶性固形物,pH,可滴定酸度),它们为寒冷气候下的成熟度评估提供了重要指导,酚类成熟度之后可能还会出现羟基肉桂酸酯和类黄酮的积累,尽管这些化合物类别的影响冷藏气候葡萄酒的质量尚待确定。在Frontenac和Marquette中,最好使用顺式-3-己烯醇与反式-2-己烯醛的比率来评估芳香族的成熟度,直到成熟为止,其比率不断降低。有趣的是,由分别由亚油酸(C18:2;己醛和1-己醇)和α-亚麻酸(C18:3;反式-2-己烯醇和顺式)产生的C6化合物总和的变化说明了C6化合物谱的变化。 -3-己烯醇)酸发生在成熟过程中,随着成熟的临近,两个品种中的α-亚麻酸(C18:3)降解产物均减少。收获时,Frontenac和Marquette的香气特征主要由C6化合物(己醛,反-2-己醛,1-己醇,顺-3-己烯醇和己酸),乙酸,β-大马烯酮和2-苯乙醇组成,其中Marquette还显示出显着水平的单萜(芳樟醇,香叶醇和α-柠檬醛)和l-辛烯-3-醇。



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