首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Induction of Resistance to Gray Mold with Benzothiadiazole Modifies Amino Acid Profile and Increases Proanthocyanidins in Grape:Primary versus Secondary Metabolism

Induction of Resistance to Gray Mold with Benzothiadiazole Modifies Amino Acid Profile and Increases Proanthocyanidins in Grape:Primary versus Secondary Metabolism


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Field treatments of grapevine(cv.Merlot)with the plant activator benzothiadiazole(BTH,0.3 mM)induced resistance against gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea.Both incidence and severity of the disease were reduced.The resistance was associated with an increase of total polyphenols in berry skins,in particular,the proanthocyanidin fraction,that increased up to 36%.The amino acid profile of leaves was also modified by treatments,particularly lysine,that augmented 4-fold.Other amino acids involved in resistance mechanisms to either biotic or abiotic stress increased as well.These results indicate that BTH treatments can be used to control gray mold,thereby limiting an excessive use of fungicides,and could be exploited to increase the content of micronutrients of high nutritional value,arising from both primary and secondary metabolisms.
机译:植物活化剂苯并噻二唑(BTH,0.3 mM)对葡萄(cv.Merlot)的田间处理引起灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)引起的对灰霉病的抗药性降低了疾病的发生率和严重程度,抗药性与总多酚的增加有关在浆果果皮中,尤其是原花青素含量增加了36%。叶的氨基酸特征也通过处理得到了改善,特别是赖氨酸,其含量提高了4倍。其他与生物或植物抗性机制有关的氨基酸这些结果表明,BTH处理可用于控制灰霉病,从而限制了过量使用杀真菌剂,并可被利用来增加高营养价值的微量营养素的含量,这些营养素来自于初级和次级代谢。



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