首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Accumulation and perchlorate exposure potential of lettuce produced in the Lower Colorado River region

Accumulation and perchlorate exposure potential of lettuce produced in the Lower Colorado River region


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The Colorado River is contaminated with perchlorate concentrations of 1.5-8 mu g/L, an anion linked to thyroid dysfunction. Over 90% of the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) consumed during the winter months in the United States is produced in the Lower Colorado River region. Studies were conducted in this region to survey the potential for lettuce perchlorate accumulation and estimate potential human exposure to perchlorate from lettuce. Total uptake of perchlorate in the above-ground plant of iceberg lettuce was approximately 5 g/ha. Exposure estimates ranged from 0.45 to 1.8 mu g/day depending on lettuce types and trimming. For all lettuce types, hypothetical exposures were less than 4% of the reference dose recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. Results show the relative iodide uptake inhibition potential because of lettuce nitrate was 2 orders of magnitude greater than that associated with the corresponding trace levels of perchlorate. These data support the conclusion that potential perchlorate exposures from lettuce irrigated with Colorado River water are negligible relative to acute or long-term harmful amounts.
机译:科罗拉多河的高氯酸盐浓度为1.5-8微克/升,这与甲状腺功能异常有关。在美国冬季,超过90%的生菜(Lactuca sativa L.)消费在科罗拉多河下游地区。在该地区进行了研究,以调查生菜中高氯酸盐积累的潜力,并估计人类可能接触生菜中的高氯酸盐。卷心莴苣的地上植物中高氯酸盐的总摄入量约为5 g / ha。根据生菜类型和修整情况,估计接触量为0.45至1.8克/天。对于所有生菜类型,假设的暴露量均小于美国国家科学院推荐的参考剂量的4%。结果表明,由于莴苣硝酸盐使碘化物的相对吸收抑制潜力比对应的痕量高氯酸盐高2个数量级。这些数据支持以下结论:相对于急性或长期有害量,用科罗拉多河水灌溉的生菜中潜在的高氯酸盐暴露量可以忽略不计。



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