首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Oral fluoroquinolone use and retinal detachment: Reconciling conflicting findings in observational research

Oral fluoroquinolone use and retinal detachment: Reconciling conflicting findings in observational research


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In 2012, Canadian researchers published a case-control study in which use of oral fluoroquinolones was associated with an increased risk of retinal detachment. Although the relative risk was impressive (adjusted rate ratio, 4.5), the absolute risk was quite low (estimated at 1 excess case/2500 quinolone users/year). The study was conducted because several case reports had suggested a link between quinolones and retinal detachment, and because a possible causal mechanism existed: fluoroquinolones may have a deleterious effect on connective tissue (thus explaining their association with tendon rupture), and connective tissue plays arole in the integrity of ocular structures, including the retina.
机译:2012年,加拿大研究人员发表了一项病例对照研究,其中使用口服氟喹诺酮类药物会增加视网膜脱离的风险。尽管相对风险是令人印象深刻的(调整率比率为4.5),但绝对风险却很低(估计为1个过量病例/ 2500名喹诺酮使用者/年)。进行这项研究的原因是,几例病例报告提示喹诺酮类药物与视网膜脱离之间存在联系,并且存在可能的因果机制:氟喹诺酮类药物可能对结缔组织具有有害作用(因此可以解释其与腱断裂的关系),并且结缔组织起着假性作用。包括视网膜在内的眼部结构的完整性。



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