首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >Push-pull flexibly-bridged bis(haloBODIPYs): solvent and spacer switchable red emission

Push-pull flexibly-bridged bis(haloBODIPYs): solvent and spacer switchable red emission


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A series of uncommon bis(BODIPYs), involving a flexible bridge linking the BODIPY a-positions and key functionalities to efficiently give an electronic push-pull effect, has been synthesized, as well as photo-physically and structurally studied. It is demonstrated that the designed push-pull effect efficiently enables intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) processes upon photoexcitation, with the generated low-lying ICT state being the main deactivation channel from the locally excited state and, hence, ruling the fluorescence response. Noticeably, this response is modulated by the solvent polarity, and also by the bridge structure. Regarding this, BINOL-and BINAM-based bridges are found to promote an interesting unprecedented solvent-switchable dual emission from the ICT state with high Stokes shifts, triggering a significant bright red emission in less polar media.
机译:合成了一系列不常见的bis(BODIPYs),其中包括连接BODIPY a位置和关键功能以有效产生电子推挽效应的柔性桥,并进行了光物理和结构研究。证明了设计的推挽效应在光激发下有效地实现了分子内电荷转移(ICT)过程,所产生的低层ICT状态是局部激发态的主要失活通道,因此决定了荧光响应。值得注意的是,该响应受溶剂极性和桥结构的调节。与此相关的是,发现基于BINOL和BINAM的桥可促进ICT状态产生史无前例的有趣溶剂可转换双发射,并具有高的斯托克斯位移,从而在极性较小的介质中引发明显的鲜红色发射。



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