首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation Proceedings >Rituximab and chronic plasmapheresis therapy of nephrotic syndrome in renal transplantation patients with recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.

Rituximab and chronic plasmapheresis therapy of nephrotic syndrome in renal transplantation patients with recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.


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Focal segmental golmerulosclerosis (FSGS) recurs in 30% of patients with FSGS who received a first renal transplant and in more than 80% of patients receiving a second transplant after a recurrence. Plasmapheresis (PP) can reduce proteinuria and even induce complete remission of proteinuria. We studied the effects of rituximab therapy associated with chronic PP treatment of nephrotic syndrome among 3 adult renal transplant recipients with recurrent FSGS after a fourth, a second, or a third transplantation, respectively. All of these subjects had displayed recurrences in previous transplants. The 3 patients were treated with PP once a week after recurrence; the first and second patients were treated with PP before transplantation surgery seeking to prevent FSGS recurrence. The patients' follow-up times were 21, 35, and 33 months, respectively, before rituximab therapy. During that time, the patients were treated with 133, 62, and 94 PP sessions, respectively. All of the patients received rituximab (375 mg/m(2)/wk, 4 doses) and 1 PP session before each rituximab dose. We confirmed the effectiveness of rituximab therapy by demonstrating peripheral CD19 cells to be undetectable after therapy. None of the patients treated with rituximab achieved remission of proteinuria. One patient showed proteinuria reduced by 26%, the second by 44%, and the third had no change. None of the patients had infectious complications or graft loss at 1 month follow-up. Our experience with 3 adult renal transplant recipients with recurrent FSGS and chronic PP therapy showed failure of rituximab to achieve remission in nephrotic syndrome.
机译:局灶性节段性肾小球硬化症(FSGS)在30%接受第一次肾脏移植的FSGS患者中复发,而80%以上在复发后接受第二次移植的患者中复发。血浆置换术(PP)可以减少蛋白尿,甚至诱导蛋白尿的完全缓解。我们研究了在分别进行第四次,第二次或第三次移植的​​3例FSGS复发的成年肾移植受者中,利妥昔单抗疗法与慢性PP治疗肾病综合征的相关性。所有这些受试者在先前的移植中均显示出复发。 3例患者复发后每周接受PP治疗。第一和第二例患者在移植手术前接受PP治疗,以防止FSGS复发。利妥昔单抗治疗之前,患者的随访时间分别为21、35和33个月。在此期间,分别接受了133、62和94次PP治疗。所有患者均在每次服用利妥昔单抗之前接受了利妥昔单抗(375 mg / m(2)/周,4剂)和1 PP疗程。通过证实治疗后无法检测到外周CD19细胞,我们证实了利妥昔单抗治疗的有效性。用利妥昔单抗治疗的患者均未达到蛋白尿缓解。一位患者的蛋白尿减少了26%,第二位的患者减少了44%,第三位的患者没有变化。 1个月的随访中,没有患者有感染并发症或移植物丢失。我们对3名经过反复FSGS和慢性PP治疗的成年肾移植受者的经验表明,利妥昔单抗未能达到肾病综合征的缓解。



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