首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America >Analysis of the piezoelectric properties of tangentially polarized, stripe-electroded cylinders

Analysis of the piezoelectric properties of tangentially polarized, stripe-electroded cylinders


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The electromechanical properties of thin tangentially polarized, stripe-electroded piezoceramic elements are considered. Theoretical analysis is made based on a piecewise linear approximation of the actual nonuniform electric field in the volume of the stripe-electroded cylinder design. Analytical expressions are derived for the electromechanical properties (including the effective coupling coefficient) of the tangentially polarized elements as a function of the geometry and electrode configuration (i.e., electrode width and spacing). The properties of stripe-electroded cylinders are calculated and compared with the ideal case of a uniform circumferential electric field, which may be realized in practice with segmented cylinders comprised of 33-polarized bar elements. The reasons for the reduction in the effective coupling coefficient of tangentially polarized stripe-electroded cylinders compared to the ideal coupling coefficient k(33) achievable with the segmented cylinder designs are discussed. The results of calculations of the electromechanical properties are in good agreement with experimentally obtained data on a variety of samples.. [DOI:10.1121/1.3533736]
机译:考虑了切向极化的,带薄带电的压电陶瓷元件的机电性能。理论分析是基于条纹电缸设计体积中实际非均匀电场的分段线性近似进行的。得出切向极化元件的机电性能(包括有效耦合系数)的解析表达式,该表达式是几何形状和电极配置(即电极宽度和间距)的函数。计算带状条状圆柱体的特性,并将其与均匀圆周电场的理想情况进行比较,理想情况下,实际上可以使用由33个极化的棒状元件组成的分段圆柱体来实现。讨论了与分段式气缸设计可达到的理想耦合系数k(33)相比,切向极化条形电镀圆柱体的有效耦合系数降低的原因。机电性能的计算结果与各种样品的实验数据非常吻合。[DOI:10.1121 / 1.3533736]



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