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Maternal and child nutrition: Building momentum for impact


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In the 5 years since the Maternal and Child Under-nutrition Series was published in The Lancet there has been a substantial increase in commitment to reduction of malnutrition at global and national levels. Most development agencies have developed or revised their strategies to address undernutrition focused on the first 1000 days of life the period from pregnancy to a child's second birthday-as called for in the 2008 Series. One of the main drivers of this new international momentum is the Scaling Up Nutrition movement. National commitment in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) is growing, donor funding is rising, and civil society and the private sector are increasingly engaged. Despite this progress, improvements in nutrition still represent a massive unfinished agenda. The 165 million children with stunted growth in 2011 have compromised cognitive development and physical capabilities, making yet another generation less productive than they would otherwise be. to achieve the nutritional security that is needed for a healthy and productive life. Undernutrition is estimated to reduce a nation's economic advancement by at least 8% (direct productivity losses, losses via poorer cognition, and losses via reduced schooling).Although preventable child mortality continues to decrease, undernutrition is responsible for 45% of deaths of children younger than 5 years, amounting to more than 3 million deaths each year. Deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals are widespread and have important adverse effects on child survival and development. Additionally, overweight in adults and increasingly in children constitutes an emerging burden that is quickly establishing itself globally, affecting both poor and rich populations.
机译:自《柳叶刀》上出版的《母婴营养不良系列》以来的五年中,在全球和国家两级致力于减少营养不良的承诺已大大增加。大多数开发机构已经制定或修订了其战略,以解决营养不良问题,其重点是从怀孕到孩子第二个生日的生命的前1000天,这是2008年系列报告中所要求的。这种新的国际动力的主要驱动力之一是扩大营养运动。在低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC)的国家承诺在增加,捐助者的资金在增加,民间社会和私营部门也越来越多地参与其中。尽管取得了这些进展,但营养的改善仍然代表着一个巨大的未完成议程。 2011年,1.65亿发育迟缓的儿童损害了认知能力和身体的能力,使他们的另一代人的生产力不如以前。实现健康和多产生活所需的营养安全。营养不良估计会使一个国家的经济发展至少降低8%(直接生产力损失,认知能力下降造成的损失以及教育程度下降造成的损失)尽管可预防的儿童死亡率继续下降,但营养不良却造成了45%的年轻儿童死亡的原因超过5年,每年导致超过300万人死亡。必需维生素和矿物质的缺乏普遍存在,并且对儿童的生存和发育产生重要的不利影响。此外,成年人的超重和儿童的超重构成了一种新兴的负担,正在全球范围内迅速建立起自己的地位,影响到穷人和富人。



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