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Abortion: What is the problem?


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Background: Smoking cessation advice from health care providers (HCP) is well-known to be associated with increased quitting. This study sought to understand the extent to which smokers in France who visited a HCP around the time of the implementation of the national ban on smoking received encouragement to quit from a HCP and what kinds of intervention were provided. HCP may have a unique opportunity during the implementation phase of smoke-free laws to address their patients' smoking behaviours to increase the likelihood of success at a time when smokers' readiness and interest in quitting may be higher. Methods: Telephone interviews were conducted among adult smokers (n = 1067) before and after the two-phase (2007 and 2008) national ban on indoor smoking as part of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) France Survey. In the survey, smokers were asked whether they had visited a HCP in the past 6 months and, if so, whether they had received cessation encouragement, and/or other interventions to support quitting such as prescriptions for stop-smoking medication. Results: Most smokers (61) reported visiting a HCP in the 6 months prior to the first phase of the national smoke-free ban, and 58 after the time of the hospitality ban. Of these, most reported they did not receive any assistance from a HCP before (54) or after (64) the smoke-free law. Among those who reported an intervention, the most common were only encouragement to quit (58 in Wave 1 and 49 in Wave 2), or receiving both encouragement and a pamphlet (31 in both Wave 1 and 2). The combination of prescriptions for stop-smoking medicine and encouragement to quit increased from 8 in 2007 to 22 in 2008. The smokers who received an intervention were more likely (OR 1.9, 95 CI: 1.2-2.9) to report that they were thinking about quitting. Discussion: This study demonstrates that HCP in France are well positioned to provide smoking cessation encouragement and other interventions to a majority of smokers and thus the importance of taking measures to increase their involvement, particularly when population-level tobacco control policies, such as smoke-free laws, are being implemented.
机译:背景:众所周知,医疗保健提供者(HCP)的戒烟建议与戒烟增加有关。这项研究旨在了解在国家禁烟令实施期间访问HCP的法国吸烟者受到鼓励退出HCP的程度以及提供了哪些干预措施。在无烟法律的实施阶段,HCP可能有一个独特的机会来解决其患者的吸烟行为,从而在吸烟者的戒烟意愿和戒烟意愿更高时提高成功的可能性。方法:根据国际烟草控制(ITC)法国调查,在两阶段(2007年和2008年)全国禁止室内吸烟前后,对成年吸烟者(n = 1067)进行了电话采访。在调查中,询问吸烟者在过去的6个月中是否去过HCP,如果是,他们是否受到戒烟的鼓励和/或其他支持戒烟的干预措施,例如停止吸烟药物的处方。结果:大多数吸烟者(61)报告在国家无烟禁令第一阶段之前的6个月内访问了HCP,在招待禁令之后的58个月内访问了HCP。其中,大多数报告称他们在无烟法律颁布之前(54)或之后(64)没有得到HCP的任何帮助。在那些报告了干预措施的人中,最常见的是仅鼓励戒烟(在第一波中为58,在第二波中为49),或同时接受鼓励和小册子(在第一波和第二波中均为31)。戒烟药和鼓励戒烟的处方组合从2007年的8种增加到2008年的22种。接受干预的吸烟者更有可能报告他们正在考虑(OR 1.9,95 CI:1.2-2.9)退出。讨论:这项研究表明,法国的HCP处于向大多数吸烟者提供戒烟和其他干预措施的有利位置,因此采取措施增加其参与度的重要性,特别是在人口级烟草控制政策(例如烟民-免费法律正在实施中。



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