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Malaria-attributed death rates in India.


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Neeraj Dhingra and colleagues use verbal autopsy procedures to estimate that 205 000 deaths attributable to malaria occur annually in India before 70 years of age (with plausible lower and upper bounds of 125 000-277000 deaths annually). We believe that Dhingra and colleagues might have substantially overestimated the number of malaria deaths in India for the following reasons. First, previous validation studies show that verbal autopsy procedures tend to overestimate malaria deaths in areas where malaria transmission is low or absent. Verbal autopsy overestimated malaria deaths in children by 47% in a low-transmission setting in Uganda (Kampala), and overestimated malaria deaths in adults by 200% in a high-transmission setting in Ghana where the proportional mortality of malaria among adults was very low (table). In Kisoro, Uganda, where no malaria deaths occurred in children younger than 5 years, verbal autopsy attributed 12% of deaths to malaria (unpublished data).
机译:Neeraj Dhingra及其同事使用口头验尸程序估计,在70岁之前,印度每年有205,000例因疟疾而死亡(上下限似乎为每年125 000-277000例死亡)。我们认为,Dhingra及其同事可能由于以下原因而大大高估了印度的疟疾死亡人数。首先,先前的验证研究表明,口头验尸程序往往高估了疟疾传播率低或没有疟疾传播地区的疟疾死亡人数。口头验尸在乌干达(坎帕拉)的低传播环境中高估了儿童的疟疾死亡率,高估了成年人的疟疾死亡率,而在加纳的高传播环境中,高估了200%的成年人疟疾死亡率,而成年人在疟疾中的死亡率很低(表)。在乌干达的Kisoro,5岁以下儿童没有发生疟疾死亡,口头尸检将12%的死亡归因于疟疾(未发表的数据)。



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