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Aboriginal Peoples score 200 legal wins in Canada's resources sector


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Pipelines, energy exports, tracking, clear-cuts, tailings ponds and access to resources are daily in the news as the industry faces push-back on traditional lands from natives who feel that their way of life is threatened. But what's different now is that the tone of the dialogue is changing - and not necessarily for the better. For example, here is a quote from Northern News of Gino Chi-taroni, president of the Northern Prospectors Association, recently speaking in Kirkland Lake, Ont.: "We are now at a crossroads, where our whole industry and way of life is completely threatened ... the empowerment of First Nations at the expense of the mining and exploration industry ... this is a massive sleeper problem that nobody wants to talk about in the press, because those who do may be targeted for reprisals and branded bigots and racists."
机译:由于该行业面临着土著人民对传统土地的抵制,他们认为自己的生活方式受到威胁,因此,每天都有管道,能源出口,跟踪,清晰,尾矿池和获取资源的新闻。但是现在不同的是,对话的语调正在改变-并不一定会变得更好。例如,这是来自北部勘探者协会主席吉诺·基塔罗尼(Gino Chi-taroni)的《北部新闻》最近在安大略省柯克兰湖发表的一句话:“我们现在正处于一个十字路口,整个行业和生活方式已经完全威胁到...以剥夺采矿和勘探业为代价的原住民赋权...这是一个卧床不起的问题,没有人想在媒体上谈论,因为这样做的人可能会遭到报复和烙印,种族主义者。”



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