首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, A. Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory >Correspondence between cluster-ion and bulk solution thermodynamic properties: On the validity of the cluster-pair-based approximation

Correspondence between cluster-ion and bulk solution thermodynamic properties: On the validity of the cluster-pair-based approximation


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Since the single-ion thermodynamic properties of bulk solutions are not directly accessible from experiments, extrapolations have been devised to estimate them from experimental measurements on small-clusters. Extrapolations based on the cluster-pair-based approximation (CPA) technique (Tissandier et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 7787-7794) and its variants are currently considered one of the most reliable source of single-ion hydration thermodynamic data and have been used as a benchmark for the development of molecular and continuum solvation models. Despite its importance, the CPA has not been thoroughly tested and recent studies have indicated inconsistencies with molecular simulations. The present work challenges the key CPA assumptions that the hydration properties of single cations and anions in growing clusters rapidly converge to each other following a monotonous trend. Using a combination of simulation techniques to study the transition between alkali halide ions in small clusters and bulk solution, we show that this convergence is rather slow and involves a surprising change in trends, which can result in significant errors in the original estimated single-ion properties. When these cluster-size-dependent effects are taken into account, the inconsistencies between molecular models and experimental predictions disappear, and the value of the proton hydration enthalpy based on the CPA aligns with estimates based on other principles.
机译:由于无法从实验中直接获得本体溶液的单离子热力学性质,因此已设计了外推法,可根据对小团簇的实验测量来估算它们。基于簇对的近似(CPA)技术(Tissandier等人,J。Phys。Chem。A 1998,102,7787-7794)及其变体的外推法目前被认为是最可靠的单离子源之一水合热力学数据并已用作开发分子和连续溶剂化模型的基准。尽管它的重要性,但CPA尚未经过全面测试,并且最近的研究表明与分子模拟不一致。当前的工作挑战了关键的CPA假设,即,在不断增长的簇中,单个阳离子和阴离子在团簇中的水合特性会迅速收敛。使用模拟技术的组合来研究小簇中的碱金属卤化物离子与本体溶液之间的过渡,我们表明这种收敛是相当缓慢的,并且涉及趋势的令人惊讶的变化,这可能导致原始估计的单离子中的重大误差。属性。当考虑到这些依赖簇大小的效应时,分子模型与实验预测之间的矛盾就消失了,基于CPA的质子水化焓值与基于其他原理的估计值一致。



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