首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >Detection of KIR3DS1 on the cell surface of peripheral blood NK cells facilitates identification of a novel null allele and assessment of KIR3DS1 expression during HIV-1 infection.

Detection of KIR3DS1 on the cell surface of peripheral blood NK cells facilitates identification of a novel null allele and assessment of KIR3DS1 expression during HIV-1 infection.


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KIR3DL1 is a highly polymorphic killer cell Ig-like receptor gene with at least 23 alleles described, including its activating counterpart, KIR3DS1. Recently, the KIR3DS1 allele has been shown to slow progression to AIDS in individuals expressing HLA-Bw4 with isoleucine at position 80. However, due to the lack of a specific Ab, KIR3DS1 expression and function is not well characterized. In this study, we demonstrate KIR3DS1 expression on a substantial subset of peripheral natural killer cells through its recognition by the mAb Z27. The fidelity of this detection method was confirmed by analysis of KIR3DS1 transfectants and the identification of a novel KIR3DS1 null allele. Interestingly, KIR3DS1 is also expressed by a small proportion of CD56(+) T cells. We show that ligation of KIR3DS1 by Z27 leads to NK cell IFN-gamma production and degranulation as assessed by expression of CD107a. Furthermore, we document the persistence of KIR3DS1(+) NK cells in HIV-1 viremic patients. The high frequency of KIR3DS1expression, along with its ability to activate NK cells, and its maintenance during HIV-1 viremia are consistent with the epidemiological data suggesting a critical role for this receptor in controlling HIV-1 pathogenesis.
机译:KIR3DL1是高度多态性的杀伤细胞Ig样受体基因,至少描述了23个等位基因,包括其激活对应物KIR3DS1。最近,已显示在位置80上带有异亮氨酸的HLA-Bw4表达个体中,KIR3DS1等位基因可减慢艾滋病的进展。但是,由于缺乏特异性抗体,KIR3DS1的表达和功能尚不能很好地表征。在这项研究中,我们通过mAb Z27的识别证明了KIR3DS1在外围自然杀伤细胞的实质亚群上的表达。通过检测KIR3DS1转染子和鉴定新的KIR3DS1无效等位基因,证实了这种检测方法的准确性。有趣的是,KIR3DS1也由一小部分CD56(+)T细胞表达。我们显示,通过Z27连接KIR3DS1导致NK细胞IFN-γ的产生和脱颗粒作用,通过CD107a的表达评估。此外,我们记录了HIV-1病毒血症患者中KIR3DS1(+)NK细胞的持久性。 KIR3DS1表达的高频率及其激活NK细胞的能力及其在HIV-1病毒血症期间的维持与流行病学数据一致,表明该受体在控制HIV-1发病机理中具有关键作用。



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