首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Coarse-grained modeling of the structural states and transition underlying the powerstroke of dynein motor domain

Coarse-grained modeling of the structural states and transition underlying the powerstroke of dynein motor domain


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This study aims to model a minimal dynein motor domain capable of motor function, which consists of the linker domain, six AAA modules (AAA1-AAA6), coiled coil stalk, and C-terminus domain. To this end, we have used the newly solved X-ray structures of dynein motor domain to perform a coarse-grained modeling of dyneins post- and pre-powerstroke conformation and the conformational transition between them. First, we have used normal mode analysis to identify a single normal mode that captures the coupled motions of AAA1-AAA2 closing and linker domain rotation, which enables the ATP-driven recovery stroke of dynein. Second, based on the post-powerstroke conformation solved crystallographically, we have modeled dyneins pre-powerstroke conformation by computationally inducing AAA1-AAA2 closing and sliding of coiled coil stalk, and the resulting model features a linker domain near the pre-powerstroke position and a slightly tilted stalk. Third, we have modeled the conformational transition from pre- to post-powerstroke conformation, which predicts a clear sequence of structural events that couple microtubule binding, powerstroke and product release, and supports a signaling path from stalk to AAA1 via AAA3 and AAA4. Finally, we have found that a closed AAA3-AAA4 interface (compatible with nucleotide binding) is essential to the mechano-chemical coupling in dynein. Our modeling not only offers unprecedented structural insights to the motor function of dynein as described by past single-molecule, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and electron microscopy studies, but also provides new predictions for future experiments to test.



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