首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >A fully relativistic method for calculation of nuclear magnetic shielding tensors with a restricted magnetically balanced basis in the framework of the matrix Dirac-Kohn-Sham equation(a))

A fully relativistic method for calculation of nuclear magnetic shielding tensors with a restricted magnetically balanced basis in the framework of the matrix Dirac-Kohn-Sham equation(a))


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A new relativistic four-component density functional approach for calculations of NMR shielding tensors has been developed and implemented. It is founded on the matrix formulation of the Dirac-Kohn-Sham (DKS) method. Initially, unperturbed equations are solved with the use of a restricted kinetically balanced basis set for the small component. The second-order coupled perturbed DKS method is then based on the use of restricted magnetically balanced basis sets for the small component. Benchmark relativistic calculations have been carried out for the H-1 and heavy-atom nuclear shielding tensors of the HX series (X=F,Cl,Br,I), where spin-orbit effects are known to be very pronounced. The restricted magnetically balanced basis set allows us to avoid additional approximations and/or strong basis set dependence which arises in some related approaches. The method provides an attractive alternative to existing approximate two-component methods with transformed Hamiltonians for relativistic calculations of chemical shifts and spin-spin coupling constants of heavy-atom systems. In particular, no picture-change effects arise in property calculations. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
机译:已经开发并实现了一种新的相对论四分量密度泛函方法,用于计算NMR屏蔽张量。它基于Dirac-Kohn-Sham(DKS)方法的矩阵公式。最初,为小零件使用受限的动力学平衡基集来求解无扰动方程。然后,二阶耦合扰动DKS方法基于对小型组件使用受限的磁平衡基集。对HX系列的H-1和重原子核屏蔽张量(X = F,Cl,Br,I)进行了基准相对论计算,其中自旋轨道效应非常明显。受限的磁平衡基集使我们能够避免在某些相关方法中出现的其他近似和/或强基集相关性。该方法提供了一种有吸引力的替代方法,可以替代现有的近似二元方法,具有变换的哈密顿量,用于相对论计算重原子系统的化学位移和自旋-自旋耦合常数。特别是,在属性计算中不会出现图片变化的影响。 (c)2008年美国物理研究所。



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