首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >The importance of three-body terms in the fragment molecular orbital method

The importance of three-body terms in the fragment molecular orbital method


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A previously proposed two-body fragment molecular orbital method based on the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) method was extended to include explicit three-body terms.The accuracy of the method was tested on a set of representative molecules:(H_2O)_n,n=16,32,and 64,as well as a and beta n-mers of alanine,n = 10,20,and 40,using STO-3G,3-21G,6-31G,and 6-31++G~** basis sets.Two- and three-body results are presented separately for assigning one and two molecules(or residues) per fragment.Total energies are found to differ from the regular RHF method by at most DELTAE_2/1=0.06,DELTAE_2/2=0.04,DELTAE_3/1=0.02,and DELTAE_3/2=0.003(a.u.);rms energy gradients differ by at most DELTAG_2/1=0.0015,DELTAG_2/2=0.000 75,DELTAG_3/1=0.00020,and deltaG3/2=0.000 10(a.u./bohr),and rms dipole moments are reproduced with at most deltaD2/1=3.7,deltaD_2/2=3.4,deltaD_3/1=2.6,and deltaD_3/2=3.1(%)relative error,where the subscript notation n/m refers to the n-body method based on m molecules(residues)per fragment.A few of the largest three-body calculations were performed with a separated trimer approximation,which presumably somewhat lowered the accuracy of mostly dipole moments which are very sensitive to slight variations in the density distribution.The proposed method is capable of providing sufficient chemical accuracy while providing detailed information on many-body interactions.
机译:将先前提出的基于受限Hartree-Fock(RHF)方法的两体碎片分子轨道方法扩展为包括显式三体项。该方法的准确性在一组代表性分子上进行了测试:(H_2O)_n,使用STO-3G,3-21G,6-31G和6-31 ++ G,n = 16、32和64,以及丙氨酸的a和beta n单体,n = 10、20和40 〜**基集。分别给出每个片段分配一个和两个分子(或残基)的两体和三体结果。发现总能量最多与常规RHF方法相差DELTAE_2 / 1 = 0.06,DELTAE_2 /2=0.04、DELTAE_3/1=0.02和DELTAE_3 / 2 = 0.003(au);均方根能量梯度相差最多DELTAG_2 / 1 = 0.0015,DELTAG_2 / 2 = 0.000 75,DELTAG_3 / 1 = 0.00020和deltaG3 / 2 = 0.000 10(au / bohr),并且均方根偶极矩的再现误差最大为deltaD2 / 1 = 3.7,deltaD_2 / 2 = 3.4,deltaD_3 / 1 = 2.6和deltaD_3 / 2 = 3.1(%)相对误差,其中下标n / m是指基于每个片段m个分子(残基)的n体方法使用分离的三聚体近似进行了一些最大的三体计算,这大概会降低大多数偶极矩的精度,这些偶极矩对密度分布的细微变化非常敏感。拟议的方法能够提供足够的化学精度同时提供有关多人互动的详细信息。



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