首页> 外文期刊>Crop Protection >Farmers' knowledge, perceptions and management of vegetable pests and diseases in Botswana

Farmers' knowledge, perceptions and management of vegetable pests and diseases in Botswana


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Vegetable farmers' knowledge and perceptions of pests, diseases and pest management practices were investigated by interviewing 112 growers in Botswana between April and June 2004. Most of the farmers grew brassicae crops, Swiss chard and tomato, and considered arthropod pest problems as the major constraint to vegetable production. Bagrada hilaris Burm., Plutella xylostella L. and Brevicoryne barassicae L. were the most serious pests on brassicas, with red spidermites (Tetranychus spp.) being the most serious pests on tomato. Ninety-eight percent of farmers relied heavily on the use of synthetic pesticides to control these pests. Their decision to apply pesticides was mostly on noticing the presence of a pest or disease. An integrated pest management programme is needed to reduce over reliance on pesticides.
机译:2004年4月至6月间,对博茨瓦纳的112位种植者进行了访谈,调查了菜农对病虫害,疾病和病虫害防治实践的了解和看法。大多数农民种植芸苔属作物,瑞士甜菜和番茄,并将节肢动物害虫问题视为主要障碍蔬菜生产。芸苔属小菜蛾,小菜蛾和番茄小菜蛾是最严重的病虫害,番茄上的害虫是红色蜘蛛虫(Tetranychus spp。)。 98%的农民严重依赖使用合成农药来控制这些害虫。他们决定使用农药的决定主要是注意到存在病虫害。需要一项综合的有害生物管理计划,以减少对农药的过度依赖。



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