首页> 外文期刊>Tetrahedron letters: The International Journal for the Rapid Publication of Preliminary Communications in Organic Chemistry >Two-step synthesis of 5-deoxy-5'-thioguanosine-5'-monophosphorothioate and its incorporation efficiency into 5'-terminus of RNA for preparation of thiol-functionalized RNA

Two-step synthesis of 5-deoxy-5'-thioguanosine-5'-monophosphorothioate and its incorporation efficiency into 5'-terminus of RNA for preparation of thiol-functionalized RNA

机译:5-步脱氧-5'-硫鸟嘌呤-5'-单硫代磷酸酯的两步合成及其在RNA 5'-末端掺入的效率,用于制备巯基官能化的RNA

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Several 5'-modifications of RNA molecules have been shown to have broad applications in studying RNA structures, mapping RNA-protein interactions, and in vitro selection of catalytic RNAs. While phosphoro-thioate modification is one of the most popular methods for functionalizing the 5'-terminus of RNA by a transcription or kinase reaction, conjugation of terminal phosphorothioates with fluorophores has been achieved only with a low efficiency. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a two-step synthetic method for 5'-deoxy-5'-thioguanosine-5'-monophosphorothioate by combining two known reactions and measured its incorporation efficiency into the 5'-terminus of RNA by in vitro transcription using T7 RNA polymerase that requires guanosine to efficiently initiate transcription, followed by treatment of alkaline phosphatase, yielding a terminal sulfhydryl group at the 5'-termini of RNA molecules. Since the sulfhydryl group can be used as an alternative to phosphorothioates, our method may provide a useful route to efficiently introduce reporters, such as fluorophores, into the 5'-terminus of RNA via a stable thio-linker, or to tether the oligomer to a solid support.
机译:RNA分子的几种5'修饰已被证明在研究RNA结构,绘制RNA-蛋白质相互作用以及体外选择催化性RNA中具有广泛的应用。尽管硫代磷酸酯修饰是通过转录或激酶反应功能化RNA 5'-末端的最流行方法之一,但仅以低效率实现了末端硫代磷酸酯与荧光团的缀合。为了克服这一局限性,我们通过结合两个已知的反应,开发了一种两步合成5'-脱氧-5'-硫鸟苷-5'-单硫代磷酸酯的合成方法,并通过体外测量了其掺入RNA 5'-末端的效率使用需要鸟苷有效启动转录的T7 RNA聚合酶进行转录,然后处理碱性磷酸酶,从而在RNA分子的5'-末端产生一个末端巯基。由于巯基可以用作硫代磷酸酯的替代物,因此我们的方法可能提供了一种有用的途径,可以通过稳定的硫连接基将报告分子(例如荧光团)有效地引入RNA的5'端,或将寡聚体束缚在坚实的支持。



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