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...but central banks still selling...


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While the incentive to lend gold has lessened, central bank are still selling gold, a path made more attractive by higher gold prices. Although the UK auctions have ended, the remaining established European sellers, most notably the Swiss, will continue to fully fill the 400t/y annual limit of the Euro-15 bank pledge. Having already dipped its toe into gold disposals via commemorative coin issues, the German Bundesbank President Ernst Welteke has again strongly hinted that it will probably be a more significant gold seller once the current pledge expires in September 2004. For the second time in little over a month, Welteke said that the Bundesbank might consider selling part of its gold reserves to reinvest the proceeds in shares as well as bonds. Such talk reinforces the view that Euro-zone central banks have become mere asset fund managers from 1 January 2002 with the introduction of the euro, with the ECB now performing the function of currency defender. Euro-zone national central banks, gradually more motivated by financial performance, will look to diversify portfolios away from gold, with many overly-weighted towards gold (see In the news).
机译:尽管放贷的动机减弱了,但中央银行仍在出售黄金,黄金价格上涨使这条路更具吸引力。尽管英国拍卖已经结束,但其余的既有欧洲卖家,尤其是瑞士卖家,将继续完全满足15欧元/欧元银行承诺的400吨/年的年度限制。德国联邦银行总裁恩斯特·韦尔特克(Ernst Welteke)已经通过纪念硬币发行将脚趾投入到黄金处置中,再次强烈暗示,一旦当前承诺于2004年9月到期,它将可能成为一个更重要的黄金卖方。威尔特克(Welteke)在一个月内表示,德国央行可能会考虑出售其部分黄金储备,以将收益再投资于股票和债券。这种说法进一步表明,自2002年1月1日欧元推出以来,欧元区中央银行已成为单纯的资产基金管理人,而欧洲央行现在起着货币捍卫者的作用。欧元区国家中央银行逐渐受到金融业绩的推动,将寻求使投资组合从黄金分散到黄金,许多投向黄金的权重过高(请参阅新闻)。



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