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Proposed US legisiation calls for low sulfur bunlker fuel


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New York-All marine bunke fuel used in US waters would be required to contain no more than 1.5% sulttn,down from the currently,allowed 4.5%,according to proposed legislation that has been introduced by the ticdd of the House ol Repiesintativcs'transportation and Infrastructure committee.Bunker suppliers agreed Friday that no suppliers cunontly sell exclusively 1.5% max sul lur ITO.One major supplier said he sells ITO in the US with a sulfur content ranging from 1% to 3.9%.The Maritime Pollution Prevention Act of 2007 was introduced February 7 by Represen tative Jim Oberstar,Democrat Minnesota,the chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.It would also restrict the level of NOX.or nitrogen oxides,in IFO.The timeline tor lis adoption by the House,assuming this occurs,was not clear.
机译:根据美国众议院运输法案提出的拟议立法,在美国水域使用的所有纽约州船用燃料的总含硫量不得超过目前的1.5%(目前允许的4.5%)。邦克供应商周五同意,没有任何供应商会严格销售最高1.5%的最大ITO。一个主要供应商表示,他在美国销售的ITO的硫含量范围为1%至3.9%.2007年《防止海事污染法》由众议院运输和基础设施委员会主席,明尼苏达州民主党代表吉姆·奥伯斯塔(Jim Oberstar)于2月7日提出。这也将限制IFO中NOX或氮氧化物的含量。发生这种情况,尚不清楚。



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