首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, E. Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics >Energetics of electromagnetic wave transformation in a time-varying magnetoplasma medium - art. no. 036405

Energetics of electromagnetic wave transformation in a time-varying magnetoplasma medium - art. no. 036405

机译:时变磁浆介质中电磁波转换的能量学-艺术没有。 036405

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The transformation of a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave in a magnetoplasma medium with increasing plasma density is considered. The wave propagates along the static magnetic field. Complete analysis, including ion motion, is given both for slow (compared to the wave frequency) and rapid ionization rate. In the case of slow temporal variation of the plasma density, a relation between the energy of the wave and its frequency, which is conserved during the plasma creation process (adiabatic invariant), is found. The existence of significant energy losses follows from the invariant. The dissipative mechanism is explained via consideration of the case of a sudden growth of plasma density in time from one value to another. It is shown that energy transforms into the kinetic energy of carriers, and preionization of the medium plays a principal role in the dissipation process. In the special case of a whistler wave, up to 50% of the energy may be transformed into an ion-cyclotron wave when dense plasma is rapidly created. [References: 32]
机译:考虑了在等离子介质中圆极化电磁波随等离子体密度的增加而变化。波沿静磁场传播。对于慢速(与波频率相比)和快速电离速率,都给出了包括离子运动在内的完整分析。在等离子体密度随时间变化缓慢的情况下,发现了在等离子体产生过程中保持的波能量与其频率之间的关系(绝热不变)。不变性会导致大量的能量损失。通过考虑等离子体密度随时间从一个值突然增加到另一个值的情况来解释耗散机制。结果表明,能量转化为载流子的动能,介质的预电离在耗散过程中起主要作用。在特殊的惠斯勒波情况下,当快速产生密集的等离子体时,高达50%的能量可以转换为离子回旋波。 [参考:32]



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