首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Tunable electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption with dressed superconducting qubits

Tunable electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption with dressed superconducting qubits


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Electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption (EIT and EIA) are usually demonstrated using three-level atomic systems. In contrast to the usual case, we theoretically study the EIT and EIA in an equivalent three-level system: a superconducting two-level system (qubit) dressed by a single-mode cavity field. In this equivalent system, we find that both the EIT and the EIA can be tuned by controlling the level-spacing of the superconducting qubit and hence controlling the dressed system. This tunability is due to the dressed relaxation and dephasing rates which vary parametrically with the level-spacing of the original qubit and thus affect the transition properties of the dressed qubit and the susceptibility. These dressed relaxation and dephasing rates characterize the reaction of the dressed qubit to an incident probe field. Using recent experimental data on superconducting qubits (charge, phase, and flux qubits) to demonstrate our approach, we show the possibility of experimentally realizing this proposal.



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