首页> 外文期刊>Physica, B. Condensed Matter >Effects of an intense, high-frequency laser field on the binding energy of excitons confined in a GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well

Effects of an intense, high-frequency laser field on the binding energy of excitons confined in a GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well

机译:强高频激光场对GaInNAs / GaAs量子阱中限制的激子结合能的影响

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The effects of an intense, high-frequency laser field linearly polarized along the growth direction on the binding energy of excitons confined in a GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well is computed for different nitrogen and indium mole fractions by means of a variational technique within the effective-mass approximation. Our results show that such laser field creates an additional geometric confinement on the electronic and exciton states in the quantum well and the exciton binding energy depends on both the nitrogen and indium concentrations.
机译:沿生长方向线性极化的强高频激光场对GaInNAs / GaAs量子阱中所限制的激子的结合能的影响是通过有效技术中不同氮和铟摩尔分数的变分技术来计算的。质量近似。我们的结果表明,这种激光场在量子阱中的电子和激子态上产生了另外的几何限制,并且激子结合能取决于氮和铟的浓度。



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