首页> 外文期刊>Optics Letters >On-axis non-linear effects with programmable Dammann lenses under femtosecond illumination

On-axis non-linear effects with programmable Dammann lenses under femtosecond illumination


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We demonstrate the utilization of Dammann lenses codified onto a spatial light modulator (SLM) for triggering nonlinear effects. With continuous wave illumination Dammann lenses are binary phase optical elements that generate a set of equal intensity foci. We theoretically calculate the influence of ultrashort pulse illumination on the uniformity of the generated pattern, which is affected by chromatic aberration for pulses with temporal widths lower than 100 fs. The simulations also indicate that acceptable uniformity can be achieved for pulses of several fs by shortening the distance among foci which can be easily modified with the SLM. Multifocal second-harmonic generation (SHG) and on-axis multiple filamentation are produced and actively controlled in β - BaB_2O_4 (BBO) and fused silica samples, respectively, with an amplified Ti: Sapphire femtosecond laser of 30 fs pulse duration. Experimental results are in very good agreement with theoretical calculations.
机译:我们演示了利用编入空间光调制器(SLM)的达曼透镜来触发非线性效应。在连续波照明下,达曼透镜是产生一组相等强度焦点的二元相光学元件。我们从理论上计算了超短脉冲照明对所生成图案的均匀性的影响,该影响受到时间宽度小于100 fs的脉冲的色差的影响。仿真还表明,通过缩短焦点之间的距离,可以用SLM轻松修改几个fs脉冲的可接受的均匀性。分别在β-BaB_2O_4(BBO)和熔融石英样品中产生多焦点二次谐波(SHG)和同轴多丝化,并使用30 fs脉冲持续时间的放大的Ti:蓝宝石飞秒激光进行主动控制。实验结果与理论计算非常吻合。



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