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North America ‘Coming Off’ Bottom but Recovery Shaky, Says Halliburton CFO


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North America’s oil and gas industry is “coming off the bottom,” but the recovery is unlikely to be a straight line, Halliburton Co.’s financial chief said Tuesday. CFO Mark McCollum spoke Tuesday at the Wells Fargo West Coast Energy Brokers Conference, where he discussed the failed merger bid for Baker Hughes Inc. and the Houston company’s strategy moving forward. “We think at this point in time in the cycle in the market...we’re coming off of the bottom...at least in North America and [we’re] approaching a bottom internationally,” he told the audience. “But the “recovery itself is going to be a lower slope recovery than maybe some others have been. And in that regard, it’s probably not to going to be a straight line for the fact that this was a supply-based downturn and...relatively low demand growth overall...”
机译:哈里伯顿公司(Halliburton Co.)的财务总监周二表示,北美的石油和天然气行业正在“走出低谷”,但复苏不太可能是直线。首席财务官马克·麦科鲁姆(Mark McCollum)周二在富国银行西海岸能源经纪人大会上发表讲话,他在会议上讨论了对贝克休斯(Baker Hughes Inc.)的并购失败以及这家休斯顿公司前进战略的问题。他告诉观众:“我们认为在市场周期的这个时间点上……我们正在跌至谷底……至少在北美,并且我们正在国际上接近谷底。” “但是,“采收率本身将比其他一些采油率低。就此而言,这可能不是直线,因为这是基于供应的下滑和...总体而言需求增长相对较低...”



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