首页> 外文期刊>Contemporary clinical trials >The prevalence and influence of self-reported conflicts of interest by editorial authors of phase III cancer trials

The prevalence and influence of self-reported conflicts of interest by editorial authors of phase III cancer trials


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Purpose: To assess the frequency with which editorial authors report personal conflict of interest and investigate a possible association between the presence of such conflicts and favorable opinion. Methods: Eligible studies were editorials of phase III clinical trials of antitumor drugs or symptom management published from January 2007 to December 2009 in four top oncology journals. Data from the editorials were collected and each editorial opinion was classified as favorable, neutral or unfavorable with respect to the experimental therapy. Results: Fifty-four editorials were included: 23 (43%) reported at least one conflict of interest, with the most frequent one being consultancy fees. Conclusions of editorial authors were classified as favorable in 18 editorials (33%). Sensitivity analysis found an association between self-reported conflict of interest of the editorial author and editorial favorable opinion (RR:2.7; 95% CI 1.2-6.1; p= 0.019). Discussion: Besides the high proportion of conflict of interest among editorial authors discussing phase III clinical trials, study interpretation may be influenced by their financial relationships with industry.
机译:目的:评估编辑作者报告个人利益冲突的频率,并调查这种冲突的存在与赞成意见之间的可能联系。方法:符合条件的研究是从2007年1月至2009年12月在四大肿瘤学期刊上发表的抗肿瘤药物或症状管理的III期临床试验的社论。收集来自社论的数据,并且就实验疗法而言,每个社论意见被分类为有利,中立或不利。结果:包括54条社论:23(43%)报告至少一项利益冲突,其中最频繁的一项是顾问费。在18篇社论中,社论作者的结论被评为有利(33%)。敏感性分析发现社论作者的自我报告的利益冲突与社论好评之间存在关联(RR:2.7; 95%CI 1.2-6.1; p = 0.019)。讨论:除了讨论第三阶段临床试验的编辑作者之间存在很大的利益冲突外,研究解释可能还受到他们与行业的财务关系的影响。



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