首页> 外文期刊>Critical care : >Practice of sedation and analgesia in German intensive care units: results of a national survey.

Practice of sedation and analgesia in German intensive care units: results of a national survey.


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INTRODUCTION: Sedation and analgesia are provided by using different agents and techniques in different countries. The goal is to achieve early spontaneous breathing and to obtain an awake and cooperative pain-free patient. It was the aim of this study to conduct a survey of the agents and techniques used for analgesia and sedation in intensive care units in Germany. METHODS: A survey was sent by mail to 261 hospitals in Germany. The anesthesiologists running the intensive care unit were asked to fill in the structured questionnaire about their use of sedation and analgesia. RESULTS: A total of 220 (84%) questionnaires were completed and returned. The RAMSAY sedation scale was used in 8% of the hospitals. A written policy was available in 21% of hospitals. For short-term sedation in most hospitals, propofol was used in combination with sufentanil or fentanyl. For long-term sedation, midazolam/fentanyl was preferred. Clonidine was a common part of up to two-thirds of the regimens. Epidural analgesia wasused in up to 68%. Neuromuscular blocking agents were no longer used. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the US 'Clinical practice guidelines for the sustained use of sedatives and analgesics in the critically ill adult', our survey showed that in Germany different agents, and frequently neuroaxial techniques, were used.
机译:简介:镇静和镇痛通过在不同国家使用不同的药物和技术来提供。目的是实现早期自发呼吸并获得清醒且协作无痛的患者。这项研究的目的是对德国重症监护病房中用于镇痛和镇静的药物和技术进行调查。方法:通过邮件将调查问卷发送到德国的261家医院。运行重症监护病房的麻醉师被要求填写有关他们使用镇静剂和镇痛剂的结构化问卷。结果:总共完成了220份(84%)调查问卷并返回。 8%的医院使用了RAMSAY镇静量表。 21%的医院有书面政策。对于大多数医院的短期镇静,丙泊酚与舒芬太尼或芬太尼联用。对于长期镇静,首选咪达唑仑/芬太尼。可乐定是多达三分之二方案中的常见部分。硬膜外镇痛的使用率高达68%。神经肌肉阻滞剂已不再使用。结论:与美国“重症成人持续使用镇静剂和镇痛药的临床实践指南”相反,我们的调查显示,在德国,使用了不同的药物,并经常使用神经轴技术。



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