首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Possible shallow slow slip events in Hyuga-nada, Nankai subduction zone, inferred from migration of very low frequency earthquakes

Possible shallow slow slip events in Hyuga-nada, Nankai subduction zone, inferred from migration of very low frequency earthquakes


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We investigated the spatiotemporal evolution of a shallow very low frequency earthquake (sVLFE) swarm linked to the 2009/2010 long-term slow slip event (SSE) in the Bungo channel, southwestern Japan. Broadband seismograms were analyzed using a cross-correlation technique to detect sVLFEs having similar waveforms to template sVLFEs, and their relative locations were estimated. The sVLFEs exhibit clear migration over a distance of 150km along the Nankai trough, similar to nonvolcanic tremors and deep very low frequency earthquakes (dVLFEs) accompanied by short-term SSEs on the downward extension of the seismogenic zone. This similarity between sVLFEs and dVLFEs suggests that SSEs occur in both deeper and shallower extensions of the seismogenic zone. The analyzed sVLFEs were likely caused by a shallow SSE that occurred from January to March 2010 following the initiation and acceleration of the long-term SSE. This temporal evolution may be caused by stress interaction between the shallow SSE and the long-term SSE.
机译:我们调查了与日本西南部Bungo通道的2009/2010年长期缓慢滑动事件(SSE)相关的浅层极低频地震(sVLFE)群的时空演变。使用互相关技术分析宽带地震图,以检测与模板sVLFE具有相似波形的sVLFE,并估算其相对位置。 sVLFEs沿南开海槽在150公里的距离上表现出明显的迁移,类似于非火山地震和深超低频地震(dVLFEs),伴随着地震发生区向下延伸的短期SSE。 sVLFEs和dVLFEs之间的相似性表明,SSEs发生在震源区的更深和更浅的延伸中。分析的sVLFEs可能是由长期SSE的启动和加速之后于2010年1月至3月发生的浅SSE引起的。这种时间演变可能是由于浅层SSE和长期SSE之间的应力相互作用引起的。



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