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Monthly periodicity in acoustic reflections and vertical motions in the deep ocean


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A recent, 1.5 years long record of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP)-data from the Canary Basin (North-Atlantic ocean) likely reflects vertical zooplankton migration between 800 and 1400 m. This record clearly distinguishes 3 major periodicities of down- and upgoing motions to within a precision of similar to 1/400: a daily, a seasonal and a monthly cycle. Largest daily excursions occur during full moon. The directly observed hourly mean vertical velocity amplitudes of w = 0.025 +/- 0.01 m s(-1) are too slow for particles from the observational depths to reach the zone of moon- ( and only very weak sun-) light penetration in half a day. It is shown that no physical ( internal wave), geochemical or sinking food mechanism can trigger the daily and monthly cycles, which are coupled. It is speculated that an entrained biorhythm running precise internal biochemical clocks controls the vertical migration.
机译:来自加那利盆地(北大西洋)的声多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)数据的最新记录(长达1.5年)可能反映了800至1400 m之间的垂直浮游动物迁移。该记录清楚地将上下运动的3个主要周期区分开来,精确度接近1/400:每日,季节性和每月一次。每天最大的郊游发生在满月期间。直接观测到的每小时平均垂直速度振幅 w = 0.025 +/- 0.01 ms(-1)对于来自观测深度的粒子来说太慢,无法到达月球(仅非常弱的太阳)光穿透区域。半天。结果表明,没有任何物理(内部波动),地球化学或食物下沉机制可以触发日循环和月循环,它们是相互关联的。据推测,运行精确的内部生化时钟的夹带生物节律控制垂直迁移。



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