首页> 外文期刊>Electrochimica Acta >Electrochemical and optical properties of new electrochromic and fluorescent nitrobenzoyl polypyrrole derivatives

Electrochemical and optical properties of new electrochromic and fluorescent nitrobenzoyl polypyrrole derivatives


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Two new nitrobenzoyl pyrrole derivatives, 4"-nitrobenzoyl (pyrrole-1'-yl)-1-propylate (NPy) and 3",5"-dinitrobenzoyl (pyrrole-1'-yl)-1-propylate (DNPy), were synthesized and successfully polymerized by chemical and electrochemical routes. Optical and electrochemical properties of the monomers and polymers were investigated. Both conducting polymers, electrochemically prepared in 0.1 mol L~(-1) TBABF_4/ACN, were deposited onto platinum, glassy carbon or ITO electrodes and showed well-defined reversible redox processes centered around +0.65 V vs. Ag/AgCl (KCl sat.). Cyclic voltammetric studies revealed well adherent films on the electrode surface (Pt, GC, ITO). The polymer films also exhibited electrochromic behavior with color changes from pale green (reduced state) to dark grey (oxidized state), and also a significant absorbance in the infrared region (oxidized state). The monomers and respective polymers are fluorescent, with emission bands at λ_(em) = 501 nm for NPy, λ_(em) = 515 nm for DNPy and λ_(em) = 438 nm for both PNPy and PDNPy, in THF. The monomers also present fluorescence in the solid state. The HOMO and LUMO energy levels were calculated from UV-Vis (λ_(onset)) and redox potentials (E_(red/ox)~(onset)) data.
机译:两种新的硝基苯甲酰基吡咯衍生物分别是4“-硝基苯甲酰基(吡咯-1'-基)-1-丙酸酯(NPy)和3”,5“-二硝基苯甲酰基(吡咯-1'-基)-1-丙酸酯(DNPy)通过化学和电化学途径合成并成功聚合,研究了单体和聚合物的光学和电化学性质,将两种在0.1 mol L〜(-1)TBABF_4 / ACN中电化学制备的导电聚合物沉积在铂,玻璃碳或ITO上电极,并显示出清晰的可逆氧化还原过程,中心为+0.65 V vs. Ag / AgCl(饱和KCl)。循环伏安研究表明,电极表面(Pt,GC,ITO)上的粘附膜良好,聚合物膜也呈现电致变色颜色从浅绿色(还原态)到深灰色(氧化态)的行为,在红外区(氧化态)也有明显的吸光度,单体和相应的聚合物是荧光的,发射带在λ_(em)= NPy为501 nm,λ_(em)= 515 nm对于DNPy,对于PNPy和PDNPy,λ_(em)= 438 nm,在THF中。单体还呈现固态荧光。从UV-Vis(λ_(起始))和氧化还原电势(E_(red / ox)〜(起始))数据计算HOMO和LUMO能级。



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